Game Character Hub PE: 3.9.0

Version 3.9.0 is now live, bringing the much expected MZ part support.
Dive right in and import the parts by following this guide.

New features:

  • Easily import RPG Maker MZ assets with new gch-rpg-maker-import tool
  • Allow to zoom below 100% (up to 5%)


  • Reworked animation player layout to give more room to the animation
  • The animation player and layer widgets can now be freely resized
  • Animation player now provides default animations if none are available
  • Animation player now remembers the current animation and frame when changing focused sheet

Bug fixes:

  • Zooming in now keeps the view centered
  • Fixes a rare crash that might happen when GCH is starting
  • Fixed issue where closing the non-focused character would clear the command stack view, layer view and animation player.
  • Fixed issue where some toolbar buttons might become ineffective
  • Fixed a rare crash that might happen when selecting pixels in intersection mode