Game Character Hub comes in two versions: the base one and the Portfolio Edition. The comparison below will help you choose the best offer 🙂
Game Character Hub
- Assemble characters using provided parts
- Support a single sheet per character
- Generate random characters
- Export characters under different colors
- Editing tools
- Limited support of drawing tools
- RPG Maker XP support
- RPG Maker VX Ace support (walk and face sheets treated separately)
- Import custom resources (one sheet per character part only)
- Windows 7, 8, 10
- Bug fixes only
Game Character Hub: Portfolio Edition
(free trial version)
- Assemble characters using provided parts
- Support multiple sheets per character
- Generate high-quality random characters
- Export characters under different colors
- Editing tools
- Higher quality drawing tools
- RPG Maker XP support
- RPG Maker VX Ace support
- RPG Maker MV support
- RPG Maker MZ support
- RPG Maker MV & MZ generator parts DLCs support
- Import custom resources
- Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu
- Continuously updated